Our PWPs can enhance your service through telephone and teleconferencing assessments and interventions, as well as supporting SilverCloud and e-therapies. They are also trained in the provision of low-intensity CBT for common mental health problems including depression and a range of anxiety presentations.
Pneuma is uniquely positioned to draw upon Ulster University’s pool of qualified, BPS accredited PWPs, who are ready to put their skills into practice to meet the needs of your service users.
And thanks to our close relationship with the university, we can also provide reliable data analytic expertise; helping you to understand service users, practitioners and digital processes, to enhance the quality of your service.
We will provide you with high quality, qualified practitioners, whose unique skillsets will :
Our Partnerships
Pneuma Healthcare is not an emergency or crisis service. If you are in distress or need support, please contact your GP, call emergency services on 999 or go to your local A&E department.
The Samaritans can also be contacted by phoning 116 123.